Show Notes

Today on The Closers Inner Circle Podcast Ben Gay III and Denise Griffitts discuss the pitfalls of the cheapest price model in sales. Join us as we open up The Closers Pt 2 to page 253.

In the ever-competitive world of sales, many professionals find themselves trapped in the mindset that the only way to succeed is by offering the lowest prices. However, this approach is not only unsustainable but also fails to recognize the true value that customers seek. Instead of engaging in a race to the bottom, successful salespeople understand the importance of selling quality service, commitment to the customer, and building value into every sale.

While it may seem tempting to undercut competitors by offering the lowest prices, this strategy often leads to a downward spiral. Customers who solely prioritize cost over quality and service are likely to switch to the next lowest bidder, creating a cycle of diminishing profits and eroding customer loyalty. Additionally, this approach forces businesses to cut corners, compromising the quality of their products or services, ultimately leading to dissatisfied customers and a tarnished reputation.

Successful salespeople understand the importance of selling quality service, commitment to the customer, and building value into every sale. 

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