William Branum - Naked Warrior Recovery


Show Notes

Retired Navy Seal William Branum founded Naked Warrior Recovery, a CBD company focused on the recovery of veterans and first responders. 

William Branum is a retired Navy SEAL with 26 years of service. He has served on both traditional SEAL Teams, taught as a SEAL Sniper Instructor, and served on Teams that specialized in undersea operations whose missions must be approved by the President of the United States. He led major combat operations ranging from protecting the interim Iraqi elected officials to Direct Action missions across Anbar province, Iraq.

As with too many veterans, William suffered from numerous physical injuries and psychological symptoms that negatively impacted his well-being and quality of life.  Migraines, severe anxiety, chronic pains, difficulty focusing, difficulty sleeping/falling asleep, and depression are some of the symptoms he would struggle with on a daily basis.  He tried many prescription medications to help and eventually started to “self-medicate” with alcohol to help with pain and sleep issues.

During his last few years of military service, William started hearing more about the promising benefits of cannabinoids like CBD.  Ultimately, he chose to wait until his retirement from the military before exploring this new world of plant-based benefits to help aid in his physical and psychological recovery.  Determined to maintain his Top Secret Security clearance after the military, he sought THC-free options of CBD.

Find William on the web: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram