Denise Griffitts interviews Diane Gardner, "Your Tax Coach".

Did you know that taxes are our biggest expense?  And did you know that owning your own business - even a startup or sideline business - is the best tax shelter in America? Are you taking advantage of every opportunity to lesson your tax burden?

If you are like most of us, taxes are not only your biggest single expense but also your biggest nightmare. Can you imagine what you would do with an extra $15,000 per year? Sadly, that is the average amount small business owners waste in taxes that they just don't have to pay.

Diane Gardner, "Your Tax Coach" is the best selling author of 'Stand Apart' and Why Didn't My CPA Tell Me About That?'. She has been working in the accounting field with small businesses since 1982 and is the founder of Adept Business Solutions and Tax Pro Solutions which meet the needs of her clients by providing accounting and tax planning services.

Diane will share timely tax information that business owners and entrepreneurs can put to work immediately.




Show Notes

Denise Griffitts interviews Diane Gardner, "Your Tax Coach".

Did you know that taxes are our biggest expense?  And did you know that owning your own business - even a startup or sideline business - is the best tax shelter in America? Are you taking advantage of every opportunity to lesson your tax burden?

If you are like most of us, taxes are not only your biggest single expense but also your biggest nightmare. Can you imagine what you would do with an extra $15,000 per year? Sadly, that is the average amount small business owners waste in taxes that they just don't have to pay.

Diane Gardner, "Your Tax Coach" is the best selling author of 'Stand Apart' and Why Didn't My CPA Tell Me About That?'. She has been working in the accounting field with small businesses since 1982 and is the founder of Adept Business Solutions and Tax Pro Solutions which meet the needs of her clients by providing accounting and tax planning services.

Diane will share timely tax information that business owners and entrepreneurs can put to work immediately.




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