Denise Griffitts Interviews Holly Homer of Kids Activities Blog

Holly Homer has been a blogger since 2007. It started as a substitution for her expensive scrapbooking habit and turned into a full time job that she adores.  Her early blog posts from June Cleaver Nirvana live here in the archives at Kids Activities Blog (some old favorites are beaver trapping, low-flow toilets, buying an eBay replacement teddy, and a little boy who calls her mommy). You can find her blog here.

She is the married, partially-homeschooling, work-from-home mom of three very active boys and a dog. She realized early on that wearing them out before bedtime was a self-preservation strategy.

Holly is a bit social media-obsessed. She loves teaching what she has learned both at the Business 2 Blogger blog and her YouTube channel. She speaks at conferences across the country on blogging and social media topics – Bloggy Bootcamp, Emerging Tech, Declare Conference 2013 & 2014, Blog Elevated 2013 & 2014, Project Mom 2013 & 2014, Women Get Social and is scheduled to speak at Social Media Marketing World 2015 as well as Focused 2015.  She has been featured on multiple radio interviews, TV appearances and pod casts.  A favorite podcast was about Kids Activities Blog’s FB page’s rapid organic growth with Michael Stelzner.

Show Notes

Denise Griffitts Interviews Holly Homer of Kids Activities Blog

Holly Homer has been a blogger since 2007. It started as a substitution for her expensive scrapbooking habit and turned into a full time job that she adores.  Her early blog posts from June Cleaver Nirvana live here in the archives at Kids Activities Blog (some old favorites are beaver trapping, low-flow toilets, buying an eBay replacement teddy, and a little boy who calls her mommy). You can find her blog here.

She is the married, partially-homeschooling, work-from-home mom of three very active boys and a dog. She realized early on that wearing them out before bedtime was a self-preservation strategy.

Holly is a bit social media-obsessed. She loves teaching what she has learned both at the Business 2 Blogger blog and her YouTube channel. She speaks at conferences across the country on blogging and social media topics – Bloggy Bootcamp, Emerging Tech, Declare Conference 2013 & 2014, Blog Elevated 2013 & 2014, Project Mom 2013 & 2014, Women Get Social and is scheduled to speak at Social Media Marketing World 2015 as well as Focused 2015.  She has been featured on multiple radio interviews, TV appearances and pod casts.  A favorite podcast was about Kids Activities Blog’s FB page’s rapid organic growth with Michael Stelzner.

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