Show Notes

Rocky Lalvani - Growing up as an immigrant and learning about money and how to live the American dream. 

Rocky Lalvani is an immigrant to the United States as his parents immigrated from India. They were only allowed to bring $25 with them and had to start over in life. While growing up, it was normal for all the parents to have conversations about money. How much things cost, how much they spent, and how much people earned. He observed the way they were making wise decisions, and how the community quickly achieved financial success. Rocky never realized this wasn't how everyone else talked about money. He learned most people don’t talk about money and are more likely to share their sex lives than their money story. 

Putting profit first in your business doesn’t mean ditching everything you care about to only focus on the money. Instead, it’s one simple change to the financial equation. This ensures that everyone (including you!) gets paid along with all of your bills. No more running check to check and wondering why there’s no money in your bank account. 

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