Robert Plank is an online business coach who would like to help you manage your time, get your life back, and simplify your daily activities. Using systems, checklists, and templates, you can write a book within an hour and become a published author within 12 hours. You can setup a membership site in a single day. Create a blog or podcast in 5 minutes or less, and so much more.

Robert makes a high six figure income on the internet creating information products, software tools, and webinar training. Then, advertising on the internet to turn it into a system that continues to function day in and day out.

He is the author of 'The Checklist Mindset For Entrepreneurs, Employees & Action-Takers: Automate & Scale Your Small Business or 9-5 Job into an Appointment-Based Machine'.

We are going to cover the following topics:
What business owners and entrepreneurs need to know to achieve peak productivity and how to avoid procrastination/burnout.What most websites are missing out on when it comes to making money.The fastest way to create a website and a membership site.Why is so important to offer webinars.The #1 mistake he sees other internet marketers making, and what his #1 secret is.
Connect with Robert on Facebook and Twitter. You can listen to his podcast 'The Robert Plank Show' here. 

Show Notes

Robert Plank is an online business coach who would like to help you manage your time, get your life back, and simplify your daily activities. Using systems, checklists, and templates, you can write a book within an hour and become a published author within 12 hours. You can setup a membership site in a single day. Create a blog or podcast in 5 minutes or less, and so much more.

Robert makes a high six figure income on the internet creating information products, software tools, and webinar training. Then, advertising on the internet to turn it into a system that continues to function day in and day out.

He is the author of 'The Checklist Mindset For Entrepreneurs, Employees & Action-Takers: Automate & Scale Your Small Business or 9-5 Job into an Appointment-Based Machine'.

We are going to cover the following topics:

What business owners and entrepreneurs need to know to achieve peak productivity and how to avoid procrastination/burnout.What most websites are missing out on when it comes to making money.The fastest way to create a website and a membership site.Why is so important to offer webinars.The #1 mistake he sees other internet marketers making, and what his #1 secret is.

Connect with Robert on Facebook and Twitter. You can listen to his podcast 'The Robert Plank Show' here. 

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