Odette Peek is here to share mindset shifts that need to happen in order to create massive impact in the world. Your message, your mission, and your vision will change the lives of millions of people, but only if you get out of your own way. 

Odette Peek Laurie, award-winning entrepreneur and owner of Women on Top Business Coaching, built her first business in 1993 at the age of 27, during Canada’s worst economic crisis. She sold a service to real estate agents, the market hardest hit by the recession. Within five years and against all odds, Odette’s brainchild grew to seven figures.

Today Odette helps entrepreneurs achieve their lifetime dreams through the vehicle of entrepreneurship. But it hasn’t always been easy. In her first year as a business coach, Odette lost her love relationship, both her parents passed away and she woke up one morning paralyzed in her arms. She couldn’t move them properly for more than a year. She says, "I know that business owners are not successful because they are paralyzed by their life circumstances and then use these as an excuse to not go after what they want. But excuses are stupid and stupid is very expensive.”

Odette has written two books: “Profit Domination: How Successful Women Get on Top and Stay There -- 201 Rules for the Road,” and an account of her personal tragedies while building Women on Top in her most recent book, “Paralyzed: Getting Past the Excuses of Why You Aren’t Successful”.


Show Notes

Odette Peek is here to share mindset shifts that need to happen in order to create massive impact in the world. Your message, your mission, and your vision will change the lives of millions of people, but only if you get out of your own way. 

Odette Peek Laurie, award-winning entrepreneur and owner of Women on Top Business Coaching, built her first business in 1993 at the age of 27, during Canada’s worst economic crisis. She sold a service to real estate agents, the market hardest hit by the recession. Within five years and against all odds, Odette’s brainchild grew to seven figures.

Today Odette helps entrepreneurs achieve their lifetime dreams through the vehicle of entrepreneurship. But it hasn’t always been easy. In her first year as a business coach, Odette lost her love relationship, both her parents passed away and she woke up one morning paralyzed in her arms. She couldn’t move them properly for more than a year. She says, "I know that business owners are not successful because they are paralyzed by their life circumstances and then use these as an excuse to not go after what they want. But excuses are stupid and stupid is very expensive.”

Odette has written two books: “Profit Domination: How Successful Women Get on Top and Stay There -- 201 Rules for the Road,” and an account of her personal tragedies while building Women on Top in her most recent book, “Paralyzed: Getting Past the Excuses of Why You Aren’t Successful”.


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