Show Notes
Mastering Sales Resilience - Lessons from When You're Hit With a 'Two by Four" by Ben Gay IIIIn our latest episode, we explore a pivotal chapter from The Closers, Pt 2 titled "When You're Hit With a 'Two by Four". This discussion is more than just about sales techniques; it's about the resilience needed in the high-stakes world of sales. Ben's methodology, rooted in preparation, training, practice, and the essential 'set-up' phase, serves as a blueprint for navigating the unexpected challenges sales professionals often face.
The metaphor of being hit by a "two by four" represents those unforeseen obstacles and rejections that can derail even the most seasoned salesperson. Ben's insights teach us the value of being meticulously prepared and constantly honed in our skills, so we can absorb the impact and keep moving forward.
This episode is a deep dive into the essence of sales resilience, highlighting how Ben's approach not only prepares salespeople for the challenges of the profession but also for turning setbacks into setups for greater success. Tune in as we unpack the critical lessons from "The Closers, Pt 2" and how they shape a salesperson's ability to thrive amidst adversity.
Find us on the web: Denise Griffitts LinkedIn | Ben Gay III LinkedIn | The Closers Books
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