Show Notes

Today, I welcome Lee Phillips, a seasoned entrepreneur who revolutionized Utah's high-tech industry as the founder of Lee Scientific. Lee's visionary initiatives paved the way for renowned companies like WordPerfect, Novell, and DSearch, laying the foundation for Google's search engine.

Despite facing a challenging health crisis, Lee's determination remained unwavering. He founded LegaLees in 1985, focusing on assisting small business owners and real estate investors with asset protection. As a Federal Tax Court attorney, Lee's expertise in addressing tax liabilities and advocating for the utilization of LLCs has made him a respected authority in the field.

Today he will share:
Why does an LLC have twice the asset protection of a corporation?  it has both the corporate shield and the charging order protection.What are the best tax shelters ? real estate and small business.Why is an LLC better tax wise than a corporation?  get to choose the tax structureHow do you know what tax structure you want to save taxes?  It depends upon how you make your moneyWhat do you have to do to maintain an LLC?Can you set up your own LLC?