Show Notes

Unlocking Productivity: Meet Kory Kogon, FranklinCovey's Expert VP and Bestselling Author

Kory Kogon serves as FranklinCovey's Vice President of Content and Senior Consultant. She co-authored The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity, a Wall Street Journal bestseller. Kogon is a recognized expert, having appeared on TODAY, MSNBC's Your Business,,, and She has contributed to FranklinCovey's acclaimed work sessions, including The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity®, Project Management Essentials for the Unofficial Project Manager™, and Presentation Advantage®. With over 25 years of diverse business experience, Kogon has held roles ranging from frontline positions to executive leadership.

In this podcast, we'll explore key insights from Kory Kogon on project management essentials. She will delve into the common pitfalls leading to project failure, the fundamental principles of effective project management, and the five critical project phases for success. She'll discuss the importance of blending Agile and Waterfall methodologies, inspiring colleague engagement, and mastering essential people management behaviors for successful performance conversations. Plus, she'll share firsthand accounts of the impact seen from individuals who've implemented these practices.

Connect with Kory Kogon online: LinkedIn | Franklin Covey