Show Notes

John David and Ana Mann have been dreaming about writing “The Go-Giver Marriage” together for nearly two decades

John David Mann is co-author of more than thirty books, including four New York Times bestsellers and five national bestsellers, including “The Go-Giver” (coauthored with Bob Burg), which has sold over 1 million copies and won the 2017 Living Now Book Awards Evergreen Medal for its “contributions to positive global change.” He is married to Ana Gabriel Mann and considers himself the luckiest Mann in the world.

Ana Gabriel Mann, MA, holds a Master’s degree in clinical psychology and dance-movement therapy from Antioch New England, where she specialized in working with adults and family therapy. In addition to her work in family therapy and 5 Secrets marriage coaching, she has been clinical director for a program for people with Alzheimer’s disease, co-founded New England’s first college of Chinese medicine, and worked as a corporate consultant, speaker, trainer, and coach. 

John has been my guest here before and I was delighted when he called to tell me about his and Ana's new book!

They will share:
The mindset of lasting loveThe 'us'What is it that prevents us from being able to be fully present, giving, and compassionate?The power of appreciationHow do you feed the relationship?
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