Show Notes

Joe Perrone - Your last business year does not need to be the blueprint for your new business year! Do you lose sleep wondering why your business feels like an underpaid job that you can't quit? Busy and broke, and simply tired of things being that way? Listen in as Joe helps you create free time and eliminate burnout.

Listen to our first episode '5 Keys to Time Freedom' here.

Joe Perrone is an executive consultant who helps business owners and professionals find freedom from stress and overwhelm. He is an expert in creating free time and eliminating burnout.

And he had to learn how to do this because he is also the owner of 2 businesses in New Haven Connecticut – New England Collision and Astro Auto Repair. He was working so hard and so much that he literally put his health on the line. Something had to change! Now Joe spends just 15-20 hours each week on-site and spends the rest of his time working with other business owners who’d like to have more free time, energy and money. His ebook, “5 Keys to Time Freedom” has excellent tips for creating days that are fulfilling and anxiety-free.

Learn how to how to enjoy more time doing what you truly love, how to slow down in a fast-paced world, and how to take action on your dreams every day.

Find Joe Perrone on the web: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn