Show Notes

Why Do Entrepreneurs Fail (To Win)?

It’s an obsession with Gary Polk, a Black businessman, CEO, business consultant, university professor, and author. His first book, Why Entrepreneurs Fail (to Win), is widely used as a textbook in college entrepreneurship programs. His recent book Why Black and Brown Entrepreneurs Fail (to Win), published December 2020, is intended for entrepreneurs and those who want to be.

When asked how Black and Brown entrepreneurs are different, Professor Polk cited:
Cultural differences that get in the wayThe self-doubt that holds them backAccess to capitalNot realizing the need to establish a strong network before needing itNot knowing their 'why'Not viewing entrepreneurship as a team sport
He’s also a proponent of social entrepreneurship and will launch the Polk Institute of Social Entrepreneurship, on January 15, 2021.

What is Social Entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship is a recognized business model that combines the disciplines of market capitalism with innovative approaches to solving societal problems. Social entrepreneurs have both a passion for business and compassion to make a positive impact. They understand the Triple Bottom Line, or the new 3Ps: People, Planet, & Profit which Gary believes align to drive success for everyone involved.