Show Notes

"We need to do the messy work to show up as leaders in all areas of our lives - regardless of our title or role." - Dr. Rosie Ward

Dr. Rosie Ward is an energetic, passionate, compassionate leader, consultant, coach, speaker, and author who focuses on transformation from the inside out. Her mission started over 20 years ago when she experienced firsthand the ill effects of working in a toxic work environment and found her wellbeing eroding. Since then, she has worked tirelessly to find a solution so this experience is no longer the norm. She is sought after to help rehumanize workplaces so that people are freed, fueled, and inspired to bring their best selves to work – and home – each day.

Rosie Ward rejoins host Denise Griffitts to continue the conversation from 3/11/2022. Listen or download here.

She will share:
In this hectic world, clarifying our purpose and grounding ourselves in our values provide clarity and calm in the midst of the storms.We have to recognize the power of our language and how it shapes our experiences; words matter.Setting boundaries, self-compassion & self-care are not nice-to-haves, they're essential! 
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