Show Notes

Dr. Mike Van Thielen - Optimize Productivity and Focus, Free Up Valuable Time, and Live Stress-Free.

Dr. Mike Van Thielen is the Medical Director at ClariGenZ Health, an innovative medical company with a new pill providing all the benefits of Adderall without any of the harmful side effects. He is also a treating physician for Boston Neuro Pain and Psych Centers, helping tens of thousands of patients with chronic pain and mental health conditions.

Dr. Van Thielen’s achievements include being: Best-selling author of Access 2 Success book focused on optimizing productivity and focus and creating a stress-free life. Founder of Health Freedom movement and sought-after speaker who has shared the stage with celebrities such as Les Brown, Brian Tracy, and Darren Hardy, owner of Success Magazine. Over 3 decades of involvement with best optimal health practices, anti-aging and regenerative medicine, sports performance, nutrition and supplementation, and biohacking strategies. He is a mentor and coach, helping people regain control of their health. Assistant coach and therapist for the Belgian Olympic swim team for Olympic Games in Atlanta. Dr. Mike himself is an All-American and is a current World Record Holder in swimming. He also holds 28 U.S. National Titles and 2 YMCA National records. He is a proud member of the exclusive WSA – World Sports Alumni.

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