Show Notes

Goal-oriented individuals get frustrated when rigid structures, slow processes, long-winded programs, and adherence to unnecessary protocols get in their way with no deliverable outcome. Fighter pilots are trained to make split decisions at 800+ miles per hour and those quick decision-making skills can be incredibly useful in high-performance professions. Dom "Slice" Teich created the largest online group of fighter pilots to guide action-takers in short, impactful steps so that they can control their own success and avoid the wrong path to failure.

Dom brings his fighter pilot background and applies them to guide pilots, athletes, business owners, and students with afterburner techniques that American fighter pilots use to ensure mission completion. As an Amazon best-selling author, business owner, entrepreneur, and civilian and military instructor pilot, he knows that busy individuals and teams struggle with information overload. 

Listen to our first episode Single Seat Fighter Jet Mindset here

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