Sean Moffett of The Moffett Company says "business IS personal" and I absolutely agree with him.
[Source: The Moffett]
After the financial crash we witnessed in 2008 the landscape we do business in has changed. Back then we used language like customer satisfaction and exceeding expectations. Today, we see our clients now know their dollars are far more precious than ever before. That's the new economy.
As a result, our clients are no longer looking to be satisfied - they need to be electrified! We need to do more than just exceed their expectations, our clients are looking for authentic care - a true reciprocal relationship. They will invest in us as we invest in the them.
While it's true that excellence in your field is critical, it is also true that the process by which your clients receive your goods and services is becoming equally important. So in effect, our ability to deliver our expertise is directly linked to our ability to control the experience for our clients. Drop the ball somewhere in the process and chances are, your competitor will pick it up. You need to create an environment where your customer comes first!
Sales excellence and sales success are Sean Moffett's passion. Developing those traits in others is his mission. Through years of dominating the markeplace in his fields Sean has identified the three things individuals and organizations do to force themselves into sales mediocrity. 
Want to know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong in sales? Tune in!

Show Notes

Sean Moffett of The Moffett Company says "business IS personal" and I absolutely agree with him.

[Source: The Moffett]

After the financial crash we witnessed in 2008 the landscape we do business in has changed. Back then we used language like customer satisfaction and exceeding expectations. Today, we see our clients now know their dollars are far more precious than ever before. That's the new economy.

As a result, our clients are no longer looking to be satisfied - they need to be electrified! We need to do more than just exceed their expectations, our clients are looking for authentic care - a true reciprocal relationship. They will invest in us as we invest in the them.

While it's true that excellence in your field is critical, it is also true that the process by which your clients receive your goods and services is becoming equally important. So in effect, our ability to deliver our expertise is directly linked to our ability to control the experience for our clients. Drop the ball somewhere in the process and chances are, your competitor will pick it up. You need to create an environment where your customer comes first!

Sales excellence and sales success are Sean Moffett's passion. Developing those traits in others is his mission. Through years of dominating the markeplace in his fields Sean has identified the three things individuals and organizations do to force themselves into sales mediocrity. 

Want to know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong in sales? Tune in!

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