Lon Safko is an author of remarkable breadth, writing nine innovative best selling books, which have shown corporations how to master social media marketing, how to Fuse traditional, digital, and social marketing, how to train managers to think creatively, detailed the secrets of launching a successful on-line business.
His bestselling book by John Wiley & Sons 'The Social Media Bible', hit #1 on Amazon in both their Marketing & Business categories, unlocks the mysteries of the hottest new Internet wave, Social Media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube for business. This book is transforming corporate, government, and non-profit marketing strategies and how they use these new media to reach their desired audiences with powerful messages and efficiency and is now in its second edition, which hit #1 on Amazon in both Business & Marketing categories. Lon is also a professional blogger for Fast Company, appointed the first Ambassador for SCORE, and the USA Today CEO Advisory Board.

Show Notes

Lon Safko is an author of remarkable breadth, writing nine innovative best selling books, which have shown corporations how to master social media marketing, how to Fuse traditional, digital, and social marketing, how to train managers to think creatively, detailed the secrets of launching a successful on-line business.

His bestselling book by John Wiley & Sons 'The Social Media Bible', hit #1 on Amazon in both their Marketing & Business categories, unlocks the mysteries of the hottest new Internet wave, Social Media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube for business. This book is transforming corporate, government, and non-profit marketing strategies and how they use these new media to reach their desired audiences with powerful messages and efficiency and is now in its second edition, which hit #1 on Amazon in both Business & Marketing categories. Lon is also a professional blogger for Fast Company, appointed the first Ambassador for SCORE, and the USA Today CEO Advisory Board.


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