Show Notes

Christina Beauchemin, author, speaker, trainer and mindset specialist.

As humans, we often experience repeating thoughts that can lead us to question whether we are good enough, smart enough, connected enough, or have the right skills. Those thoughts can lead to a stall on your professional path (or in your personal life.)

In her new book, Let My Legacy Be Love, A Shortcut to Self-Loving, Beauchemin marries her lifelong love of storytelling and her passion for the extraordinary healing power of Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP). Through her own personal and professional work, she experienced the “eye-opening” power of NLP as a tool for better communication not only with others but also with yourself. 

With a foundation built on neuroscience (understanding how the brain and central nervous system work together to play a huge part in your thoughts), you can begin to change the language in your head that may be telling you that you don’t deserve more, you aren’t good enough, or that you are not as valuable as others.

Connect with Christina Beauchemin on the web: Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Amazon