Show Notes

Ben Gay III: A Living Sales Legend with an 86% Closing Rate

In the world of sales, few names are as well-known and respected as Ben Gay III. With decades of experience under his belt, Ben has become a true legend in the field of selling, and for good reason. Not only has he achieved an impressive 86% closing rate, but he also continues to sell products and services on a daily basis, both for his own business and for those of his clients.

So, what is it that sets Ben apart from other sales trainers? For starters, his hands-on approach is something that many find refreshing. Unlike other trainers who may have retired from selling years ago, Ben is still actively engaged in the sales process, which allows him to stay up-to-date on the latest techniques and trends. He understands firsthand the challenges that salespeople face on a day-to-day basis, and he knows what it takes to overcome those challenges and achieve success.

Join us on The Closers Inner Circle each Wednesday as we talk about sales training, communication, modern human potential and so much more!

Connect with us on the web: Ben Gay III | Denise Griffitts