Show Notes

Azim Khamisa is an author, peace activist, thought leader, and inspirational speaker. He was born in Kenya, Africa and educated in England in mathematics, economics and international finance. He has over 45 years of experience as a successful international investment banker

Following the murder of his son in 1995, Azim Khamisa founded the Tariq Khamisa Foundation which started a subsequent forgiveness movement that has reached millions. He has received over 80 local, national and international peacemaker awards. 

He is an emissary of peace and an international inspirational speaker with over 700 keynotes, including one to 300,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial at the Stand For Children Rally organized by the Children’s Defense Fund, as well as a speech to the United Nations General Assembly at the High-level Forum on the culture of peace. Azim serves on the Board in the capacity of Vice-Chair for the Institute of Noetic Science. IONS was founded 46 years ago by Edgar Mitchell who was the 6th man to walk on the moon and is a leading global institution on researching consciousness.

With a strong passion to share his message with the youth & to inspire nonviolent leaders become proactive as peacebuilders, Azim has given over 1,000 presentations to over a million students worldwide.

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