Show Notes

Trapped in patterns of procrastinating, avoiding, or quitting? Your brain patterns hold the key to goal achievement. Discover the power of your brain and transform your life.

Adele Spraggon is an award-winning author, a thought leader, and an international speaker and trainer. She has been awarded the 2020 Woman of Inspiration Award, and in 2021, she was recognized as the Top Behavioural Expert of the Year.

Her book Shift: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment has won three awards and is sweeping the globe, transforming how people are setting and achieving their goals.

After decades of feeling stuck in patterns of procrastination, avoidance and quitting, all of which had her living her life below her fullest potential, Adele set out on a journey of discovery and learning. Her inquiry? Why the personal and professional methodologies she was following did not work for her. The result is the creation of her proprietary 4 Step Repatterning Technique, which she delivers through a member portal called the Pattern Maker Hub. Today she supports thousands globally to achieve extraordinary levels of happiness, peace of mind, prosperity, goal-achievement and life-fulfillment.

Adele Spraggon joins Host Denise Griffitts to discuss patterns: brain patterns, money patterns, reducing conflict in your life and so much more.


This episode of Your Partner In Success Radio with Host Denise Griffitts is sponsored by the Business Plan Answer Man, David L. Brown. Helping new entrepreneurs create their business plan using time-tested methods from over 35 years of experience.