Crystal stumbled into computer training in 1986 when she was an administrative assistant with a non-profit organization. She quickly became computer savvy. This was pre-Windows days! Her computer prowess spread throughout the company -- including high-level management. Soon after, she was answering computer queries from the CEO, CFO, and a few Senior VPs. After about a year, a computer trainer position opened up.
Crystal began to branch out and began consulting in 1997. She has worked with many Fortune 500 companies in many realms including: media conglomerates, financial firms, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, legal firms, government (state and city), cosmetics, fashion, a tobacco company(!), insurance companies, and auction houses.
Crystal’s interest in coaching began right after 9/11. She was drawn to coaching after seeing psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and coaches help the survivors through the trauma. Crystal became a certified coach in 2007.
After doing extensive research Crystal found the best place to become a certified coach -- The Open Center in New York City. The day after sending in her initial payment, she was laid off. After getting home a little rejected that evening she received a letter from her school. It was the confirmation for the coaching course. She hasn't looked back since then!
Show Notes
Please join me as I interview Crystal Williamson. Crystal is a certified life coach who enjoys helping small business people, coaches, VAs and other solo-preneuers with their technology and computer application needs. She has a show on Blog Talk Radio – Ask the Computer Coach – this weekly show explores the ins and outs of what you need to get your new business up-and-running
Crystal stumbled into computer training in 1986 when she was an administrative assistant with a non-profit organization. She quickly became computer savvy. This was pre-Windows days! Her computer prowess spread throughout the company -- including high-level management. Soon after, she was answering computer queries from the CEO, CFO, and a few Senior VPs. After about a year, a computer trainer position opened up.
Crystal began to branch out and began consulting in 1997. She has worked with many Fortune 500 companies in many realms including: media conglomerates, financial firms, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, legal firms, government (state and city), cosmetics, fashion, a tobacco company(!), insurance companies, and auction houses.
Crystal’s interest in coaching began right after 9/11. She was drawn to coaching after seeing psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and coaches help the survivors through the trauma. Crystal became a certified coach in 2007.
After doing extensive research Crystal found the best place to become a certified coach -- The Open Center in New York City. The day after sending in her initial payment, she was laid off. After getting home a little rejected that evening she received a letter from her school. It was the confirmation for the coaching course. She hasn't looked back since then!
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