Ben Cope, "The Internet Genius" is a DotComPreneur, Web Designer, and Internet Marketing Consultant specializing in high-end, custom websites, including WordPress blogs. Ben earned his sobriquet "The Internet Genius" because of all the people whose websites helped to build and saw immediate changes in fortune. I work with Ben a LOT and can tell you from the heart that he is internet marketing savvy, well versed in code, and a top notch graphic designer.

Show Notes

Ben Cope, "The Internet Genius" is a DotComPreneur, Web Designer, and Internet Marketing Consultant specializing in high-end, custom websites, including WordPress blogs. Ben earned his sobriquet "The Internet Genius" because of all the people whose websites helped to build and saw immediate changes in fortune. I work with Ben a LOT and can tell you from the heart that he is internet marketing savvy, well versed in code, and a top notch graphic designer.

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