Denise Griffitts Interviews marketing and business building expert Jim Palmer.

Jim Palmer is a marketing and business building expert and in demand coach. He is the founder of the Dream Biz Academy and Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program. Jim is the host of Newsletter Guru TV, the hit weekly Web TV show watched by thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners and he is also the host Stick Like Glue Radio, a weekly podcast based on Jim’s unique brand of smart marketing and business building strategies. Jim is best known internationally as ‘The Newsletter Guru’ and creator of No Hassle Newsletters, the ultimate ‘done-for-you’ newsletter marketing program used by hundreds of clients in nine countries.

Jim is the author of DECIDE - The Ultimate Success Trigger. He contends that none of the skills and talents you possess, or seek to learn, will help you create your Dream Business until and unless you unleash the Ultimate Success Trigger. Entrepreneurs face hundreds of choices every day and the most important thing is actually quite difficult for many entrepreneurs – deciding, making a decision – yes or no, but not maybe! This book is about the importance and business-building power that comes when you have the ability to DECIDE.

Show Notes

Denise Griffitts Interviews marketing and business building expert Jim Palmer.

Jim Palmer is a marketing and business building expert and in demand coach. He is the founder of the Dream Biz Academy and Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program. Jim is the host of Newsletter Guru TV, the hit weekly Web TV show watched by thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners and he is also the host Stick Like Glue Radio, a weekly podcast based on Jim’s unique brand of smart marketing and business building strategies. Jim is best known internationally as ‘The Newsletter Guru’ and creator of No Hassle Newsletters, the ultimate ‘done-for-you’ newsletter marketing program used by hundreds of clients in nine countries.

Jim is the author of DECIDE - The Ultimate Success Trigger. He contends that none of the skills and talents you possess, or seek to learn, will help you create your Dream Business until and unless you unleash the Ultimate Success Trigger. Entrepreneurs face hundreds of choices every day and the most important thing is actually quite difficult for many entrepreneurs – deciding, making a decision – yes or no, but not maybe! This book is about the importance and business-building power that comes when you have the ability to DECIDE.

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