"If you seek growth, be ready for the discomfort of becoming bigger than the box they put you in."
Growth requires change, and change can be uncomfortable.
Whether it's personal growth, career growth, or growing a business or movement, you'll inevitably outgrow the constraints and limitations that once defined you.
The "box" represents the expectations, labels, and narratives that others try to keep you confined within. It's the voices that say "This is how you've always been" or "This is all you're capable of."
But if you're committed to evolving, you'll burst through those artificial boundaries. You'll shed old skins and identities that no longer serve you. This process can feel awkward, scary, and disruptive.
Expect resistance - from others, but also from the part of yourself that craves comfort and safety. Expanding your existence means leaving the familiarity of the box behind.
If you're feeling cramped, constrained, or stuck in a rut, it's a sign you're outgrowing your current container. Embrace the growing pains as a sign of positive progression. Have the courage to outgrow, upsize, and take up more space in the world.
The discomfort is temporary, but the growth is exponential. How big are you willing to become?
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