Getting your podcast on major platforms is a critical step to reaching a wider audience. Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate the process:

Host Your Podcast on a Reliable Podcast Hosting Service

Choosing a reliable podcast hosting service is crucial for successfully launching and distributing your podcast. These platforms serve as the foundation for storing your audio files and generating the necessary RSS feed that allows your podcast to be distributed to various directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and more.

Why Use a Podcast Hosting Service?

Podcast hosting services specialize in managing audio files, ensuring they are securely stored and easily accessible. They provide several benefits:

Storage and Bandwidth: Hosting services offer adequate storage space for your audio files and manage the bandwidth required for streaming or downloading episodes, ensuring your podcast remains accessible even during high traffic periods.

RSS Feed Generation: They automatically generate an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed for your podcast. This feed acts as a signal to podcast directories, informing them of new episodes and updates. It simplifies the process of syndicating your content across platforms.

Analytics and Statistics: Most hosting services provide analytics tools that offer insights into your podcast's performance. You can track metrics such as downloads, listener demographics, and popular episodes, which are invaluable for understanding your audience and refining your content strategy.

Distribution to Directories: Once your podcast is hosted and the RSS feed is set up, you can submit it to major podcast directories. Hosting services often streamline this process, making it easier to reach a wider audience.

Popular Podcast Hosting Services

Several reputable podcast hosting services cater to different needs and budgets:

  • Buzzsprout: Known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive analytics, Buzzsprout offers easy podcast setup and distribution.
  • Libsyn (Liberated Syndication): One of the oldest hosting services, Libsyn provides robust features for podcasters, including advanced publishing options and monetization tools.
  • Podbean: Offers a balance of affordability and features, including built-in monetization options and customizable podcast websites.
  • Captivate: Focuses on growth-oriented podcasters with features like audience segmentation tools and dynamic content insertion for targeted advertising.

Choosing the Right Hosting Service

When selecting a hosting service, consider factors such as pricing plans (including storage limits and bandwidth), ease of use (interface and uploading process), additional features (analytics, monetization options), and customer support availability. Some services also offer free trials or introductory plans to help you evaluate their suitability for your podcasting needs.

By opting for a reputable podcast hosting service, you can ensure that your podcast not only has a reliable platform for storage and distribution but also benefits from the tools and support necessary to grow and engage with your audience effectively.

Generate an RSS Feed

Once your podcast is hosted, the hosting service will generate an RSS feed for your show. This feed is a unique URL that contains all your podcast’s information, including episode titles, descriptions, and audio files. The RSS feed is what you will submit to podcast directories.

Submit Your RSS Feed

Apple Podcasts

If you don’t already have one, create an Apple ID.

Go to Podcast Connect and log in with your Apple ID.

Submit Your RSS Feed: Click the “+” button to add a new show and paste your RSS feed URL. Apple will validate your feed and show you a preview of your podcast.

Review and Submit: Ensure all details are correct and click “Submit.” Apple will review your submission, which can take a few days.


If you don’t have one, create a Spotify account.

Go to Spotify for Podcasters and log in.

Click “Get Started” and paste your RSS feed URL. Spotify will verify your feed and provide a preview.

Review and Submit: Confirm the details and submit your podcast. Approval usually takes a few hours to a few days.

Google Podcasts

Podcasters can submit their podcasts to Google Podcasts for inclusion in its directory, making it accessible to a wide audience. To ensure your podcast reaches a broader audience through Google Podcasts, it's essential to ensure your podcast website is optimized for search engines. Google Podcasts automatically indexes podcasts from the web, so optimizing your website with relevant keywords, clear metadata, and structured data can help improve visibility and discoverability. This ensures that your podcast episodes are easily found and accessible to listeners searching for content related to your podcast's topics.

Submit Manually (Optional): You can manually submit your RSS feed via Google Podcasts Manager for faster indexing.


Sign up for a Stitcher account if you don’t have one.

Log in to the Stitcher Content Provider portal.

Enter your RSS feed URL and fill out the required information.

Review and Submit: Submit your podcast for review. Stitcher’s approval process can take a few days.

Additional Directories

Consider submitting your podcast to other directories like TuneIn, iHeartRadio, and Overcast. Each platform has its own submission process, but they generally follow a similar pattern: create an account, submit your RSS feed, and wait for approval.

Most directories take a few days to approve your podcast. Once approved, new episodes will automatically appear on these platforms as you publish them to your host. Regularly check your podcast’s presence on these platforms to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

Now get out there and PROMOTE your Podcast

After your podcast is live on major platforms, promote it through social media, your website, and other marketing channels to attract listeners. Engage with your audience and encourage them to subscribe, rate, and review your podcast to increase visibility.


Elevate Your Podcast with a Seasoned Podcaster (That would be me!)

With 16 years of podcasting experience under my belt, I've mastered the art of captivating audiences and building a loyal following. Are you ready to take your podcast to new heights? 

Connect with me for personalized podcasting mentoring, and let's unlock your true potential. Whether you're a budding podcaster seeking guidance or a seasoned pro looking to refine your craft, I'm here to help you succeed. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, hone your storytelling abilities, and create content that resonates with your audience. Don't let your podcasting dreams remain unfulfilled – reach out today, and let's embark on a journey to podcasting excellence.

For this type of discussion, I find it's better if we have an initial call so I can understand your needs fully before we schedule something more formal. Please call me Toll-Free at 888-719-6711 and be sure to leave a short message. I will return your call within 24 hours.

So, fellow podcasters, are you ready to unleash the full potential of your podcast? It's time to get everything you can – out of all you've got.