BOOK REVIEW: "SHIFT: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment" by Adele Spraggon is centered around her 4-step SHIFT process, which is designed to help readers identify and overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment.

She begins what showing readers what to expect and the benefits of 'repatterning' before teaching us the 4-Step Repatterning Technique (Identify the Pattern, Own the Pattern, Surrender, Trust):

1) A Remarkable Reduction in Worry and Anxiety
2) Happiness
3) Expanded Options and Increased Involvement
4) Risk-Taking -- Without Taking Risks
5) Self-forgiveness and Forgiveness of Others
6) Expanded Creativity
7) Self-confidence and Trust in Yourself
8) Enhanced Relationships

She does not simply offer theoretical concepts and ideas but instead provides actionable advice and exercises to help readers implement the SHIFT process in their own lives.

This is a well-used book in my entrepreneurial library. Buy your copy at Amazon.